Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/125

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Gaetano. I'll let them go now, if you say so…

Cecco. No. It wouldn't do. We can't empty the place. So long as they are quiet——

The Commissary of Police enters.

Commissary. Hello, Cecco!

Cecco. Hello! Anything new?

Commissary. No, nothing. We saw the Prince come in.

Cecco. Yes, he's inside.

Commissary. Who is with him?

Cecco. I don't know them all. The Englishman, those circus people.

Commissary. [Consulting a list] Let's see if I have them. Here, check them off. Lucenti, the Englishman; Nunu and Tommy of the Neapolitan troupe; Donina, Celeste, Teresina, women from the same troupe; Dick and Fred, jockeys of the Duke of Zealand; two English girls; Marcella, a cocotte—Are there any more?

Cecco. No, that's all.

Commissary. Good. If anything happens, we are outside.

Cecco. I'll send out something. It's cold to-night.

Commissary. Yes; and have it hot. There's a fog over the sea. Good night, Cecco. Who are these?

Cecco. The same as usual.

Commissary. Those sailors?

Cecco. A yacht which got in this morning. Don't you know?

Commissary. Yes, I know. Good night. [The Commissary goes out.

First Sailor. Big fish here to-night. Is it all right?

Cecco. Yes, it's all right. What you see, you see; understand? And shut up!

An Unknown. [Going up to Majestá and shaking her] Hi,