Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/132

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Cecco. [To Gaetano] Lock the door! Stand by! God! Nobody moves!

Gaetano draws a knife and stands by the door.

Pietro. Room there! Back! Or…

They draw knives and daggers.

Cecco. No! No you don't! You'd only run into the police. They'd pull us all. Order! Quiet! Sit down!

Nunu. [Furiously to Donina] It was you! You did it! We are ruined!

Donina. Yes! It was I! I! It was not you! You coward!

Imperia. You?

Donina. He sold me! Do you hear? He sold me! Coward! Coward!

Celeste. But they're not going to let him die like this?

Cecco. No one leaves this room.

Harry Lucenti. No blood? He bleeds internally; a bad sign. He'll never get up.

Cecco. The police! They've heard us. Run! Quick! Sit down! If they knock we'll have to open. Keep cool! This blood—[He overturns a bottle] There! Sit down! And you… Get around him! Back! Hold him up! So… And you there, sing—sing and dance! Music! The police! Sh!… Quiet!…

All do as he tells them.

Donina. My God! My God!

Nunu. [Striking her] Dance! Dance, I tell you!

The music strikes up.

Nunu, Donina, Zaida, and Tommy begin the tarantella.

The Commissary of Police enters.

Commissary. What's this noise? What's the matter?

Cecco. Nothing! You see…