Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/133

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Commissary. We heard cries…

Cecco. The supper. Too much wine, eh? Is it so? Nobody knows what he's at. They're in fine spirits. The Prince can hardly sit up. Ah! There he is… We shut the door so that nobody could come in. It's late. Have a drop?

Commissary. No, thanks. Good night.

Cecco. Good night!

At the door, keeping his eyes riveted on those in the tavern until the Commissary is out of sight; then to those within:

Go on! Go on! Keep it up!

The women who have been sitting at the Prince's side spring up terrified. The Prince rolls under the table.

Celeste. Dead!

Teresina. Ay!

Wild confusion. All rush for the door.

Cecco. Ruined! Lost! Now what are we to do? No one leaves this room!

Nunu. [Threatening violence] Open the door! Let us out!

Cecco. No! It's no use. The police have got your names. They'd pick you all up, one by one. We stand or fall together.

Imperia. Harry! Take him to my house—in my carriage. It's the only way. They must not find him here. Then we can think. Are you ready?

Harry Lucenti. Yes. Come on! Quick!

Cecco. Are you going to take him away? Yes, it's the best. But wait… There may be people in the street. A moment… Wait… I'll draw off the police. Sit down! And you there—come on! Come on! One at a time. Pass out as if nothing had happened. Order! Quiet!

Pietro. The first man who opens his mouth…