Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/143

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only love! Live for me, triumph for me! Alas, I could do no more than dream!

Imperia. Yes, I shall triumph; but first it is necessary to destroy the facts, to trample reality under foot. The baby Prince of Suavia is dead. The old Emperor abdicates the crown——

Leonardo. Then Prince Florencio…

Imperia. Prince Florencio is dead.

Leonardo. Dead?

Imperia. Yes, he is dead, murdered last night—before my eyes. No, I killed him myself.

Leonardo. You! What are you talking about, Imperia? Are you mad?

Imperia. Yes, I—I did it! Or what is the same thing, it was my Donina, my child! She was defending her youth, her innocence, her love. It was the vengeance of all of us who had fallen by him before. Don't you believe it? Look! this is his dagger, a precious stiletto, a work of art, exquisitely damascened. The handle is gold, set with jewels. He was playing with it, half caressing, half threatening her. "Would you dare to kill me?" he asked her. "A kiss first and it is yours." And he offered her the handle like a jewel. My Donina, when she felt that kiss, plunged the blade into his heart. No, I am not dreaming, these are not phantoms of the witches' lair. Do you remember? When we parted, I told you it was Saturday Night. Well, its horrible phantoms have followed me back into life, they hover about the room. Do you want to see him? He is here. Harry Lucenti is watching the corpse.

Leonardo. But it cannot be possible! These things cannot have happened. Nightmares, hallucinations!

Imperia. At first I thought so myself. When I came home, I forgot everything. A moment ago and I was laugh-