Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/144

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ing and talking with the Countess; it all seemed so unreal and far away—spectres from the other world, phantoms of our witches' souls. But it is the truth, Leonardo; it is the truth!

Leonardo. But what are you going to do? They will find out…

Imperia. I am not afraid. I shall fight; I shall win. Phantoms cannot frighten me. They will be here in a moment; perhaps they already know. You see, I am calm. They will say nothing. You will see…

Leonardo. No, Imperia, you are trembling. What is that you are staring at?

Imperia. No, no! I am calm. Hush! They are here…

Leonardo. They must know.

Imperia. I shall tell them if they do not.

Prince Michael and the Signore enter.

Prince Michael. Imperia, the Signor Prefect wishes to speak with you. Pardon, Leonardo, I did not know you were here.

Leonardo. Highness…

Prince Michael. [To the Signore] Leonardo will retire with me, if you prefer to see her alone.

Imperia. No, I prefer that he remain during the examination. I assume the Signor Prefect wishes to examine me?

Leonardo. As you see.

Imperia. Then I prefer to answer in the presence of my friends. Otherwise, the authority of the Signor Prefect might prove intimidating.

Prince Michael. Unfortunately, indications that something serious has happened to Prince Florencio multiply every moment. No one has seen him this morning. It has been impossible to ascertain where he is.

Signore. It is known that last night he was at Cecco's