Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/145

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tavern. Here is the list of the persons who were there—the complete list. Will you look it over? Is there any one missing?

Imperia. No one.

Prince Michael. Your name is on the list.

Imperia. That proves that the Signore is well served by his police.

Signore. Then it may be true also that the Prince left the tavern shortly before daybreak, somewhat intoxicated, as it seems, supported by Harry Lucenti and the proprietor of the tavern. He was lifted into your carriage, and driven to your house. Shortly afterward, you returned in the company of a girl named Donina, a circus performer, with whom you must have some connection, as this is not the first time you have been seen with her.

Prince Michael. The Signore knows who Donina is; he is informed of your relationship.

Signore. I am informed of everything. Except for the persons who, without doubt, are now in this house, all those who were with the Prince last night are under surveillance as a matter of precaution. The affair is a delicate one. Any indiscretion might compromise persons of quality, who are not to be treated like ordinary offenders. I am questioning you as a friend, Signora. Those who were present assure me that the Prince left the tavern at the same time that you did, as I have already said. Well? Is this an amorous adventure? Or a political intrigue? Is it true that Prince Florencio is now in your house?

Imperia. Prince Florencio is in my house. I brought him home with me. But I brought him home dead.

Prince Michael. Dead!

Signore. Dead!

Imperia. Yes, Prince Florencio has committed suicide.