Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/149

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Garden of Imperia's villa.

Donina, Leonardo, and Nunu are together in the garden. Leonardo is modelling a bust of Donina, who poses for him.

Leonardo. That will do for to-day, Donina.

Donina. I am not tired. You mustn't stop on my account.

Leonardo. I know that you are strong now. We need not be careful of your health any more. It isn't the model this time who is tired, it's the artist. Who could work today What an afternoon! We pray for days like this for our little holidays, but to-day all nature is on holiday. How much better right has she to ask us not to intrude our petty affairs upon her divine calm! Work to-day? Not even in thought! It is enough to be alive, to have eyes to see, to drink in the air and sunlight, to breathe the perfumes of the sea and the flowers. You seem sad, Donina. Why are you always sad?

Nunu. She's afraid she's going to die.

Leonardo. The doctors say that you are well now. As soon as you are happy, you begin to think of dying. You are happy, Donina?

Donina. Very happy. That is the reason I am afraid.

Nunu. Can you see Prince Michael's yacht from there?

Leonardo. Yes, I think so. There it is. It came in this morning.

Donina. Why does Prince Michael come back? I thought he went away to be Emperor.