Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/150

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Leonardo. Don't ask me, Donina. It is nothing to us. The Empire of Suavia is very far away.

Donina. It is a great deal too near.

Nunu. Can't we go out in the boat as we did yesterday? Why do we have to stay here all afternoon?

Donina. Are you tired, Nunu?

Nunu. No, but the sea air would be better for you. We never leave this place.

Donina. It is so beautiful!

Nunu. Yes, but it's a bore. It's like a prison.

Donina. Like a prison?

Leonardo. [Aside to Nunu] You're a bad actor, Nunu.

Nunu. I can't stand this forever.

Imperia enters.

Imperia. You have stopped early to-day. Doesn't Donina feel well?

Donina. No, it was Leonardo.

Leonardo. Yes, it was I—the idler always! We are almost done.

Donina. It looks just like me.

Imperia. No, I don't want to see it until it is finished. Does she look as I did when you first knew me, when I was your model?

Leonardo. No, Imperia. There may be something in the features, but the expression is not the same. You had more life, more will. Donina could never have climbed up over the rocks until she had reached the steps of a throne.

Imperia. Why not? You say that because you are merely copying the sadness of her face, you are making a portrait, not expressing an idea in your work. My statue was designed to challenge attention, to triumph eternally, while hers is only for me. You are snatching from death by your art all that we are permitted to save.