Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/157

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Leonardo. With the greatest of pleasure. Something appropriate—a Magdalen, perhaps. Would you prefer her before or after conversion?

Rinaldi. Only be sure that she has plenty of clothes.

Leonardo. Better have it before, then. Afterward, you recall in what state she ran through the wilderness—as you will be doing shortly, no doubt, though not through the wilderness.

Donina and Nunu re-enter.

Donina. [Running after Nunu] Don't you run away. Give me that letter! Give it to me, or…

Nunu. [Discovering the Countess] Hush! Be still! Don't you see?… You're always picking at me.

Donina. You always——

Nunu. Let me alone, I tell you.

Rinaldi. [To Leonardo] Oh, don't bother to explain! Two protégés of Imperia's… Daphnis and Chloe? Or Paul and Virginia? This is the Garden of Love.

Leonardo. Of profane love; it is not for you.

Rinaldi. Will you tell Imperia of the object of my visit?

Leonardo. I shall announce your conversion.

Rinaldi. But merely as a preliminary; I am counting upon her.

Leonardo. She will certainly hear of it.

Rinaldi. These lovers are fascinating! Both children, of course… How old is the boy?

Leonardo. Countess, a ripe age.

The Countess and Leonardo go out.

Donina. Give me that letter! Give it to me!

Nunu. That's right. Scream, kick, cry, so that everybody can hear—you always do. Then when you get worse, they'll say it's my fault. Didn't I tell you it was for Tommy? Can't you read? What do you want me to say?