Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/158

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Donina. For Tommy, is it? Yes, the envelope's addressed to him, but maybe there's another letter inside. Maybe you've arranged—if you hadn't, you wouldn't have hidden while you were writing it. You would have told me. What do you care if I know what you write to Tommy?

Nunu. I wish you did.

Donina. I will, then. Give it to me!

Nunu. Let go! Let go!

Donina. Oh! I can't… I am choking. Oh!…

Nunu. Now you see.

Donina. My God!

Leonardo re-enters.

Leonardo. What is the matter with Donina?

Donina. Nothing… Nothing…

Nunu. She's crazy. She wants to read a letter I've written to a friend. I can't stand it any longer. Because you pay me you think it's easy—I have an easy life. But I don't. If it wasn't——

Donina. They pay you? If it wasn't? What do you mean?

Leonardo. Nunu! Why do you tease Donina?

Donina. That's the only way he can enjoy himself—and I have given my life for him, yes, my soul! Because I am dying for him… It was for him that I killed him, it was for him that I lost my soul!

Leonardo. Donina! What have you done, you fool? [Aside to Nunu] Couldn't you wait?

Nunu. Wait? I've waited long enough. I can't stand it any more. So you'd like to read that letter? You want to know what I've written to my friend? Well, then, read it! Read it!

Donina. [Snatching the letter] Ah!

Nunu. Read it! It isn't my fault.