Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/159

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Leonardo. What does it say?

Donina. [Falling flat upon the ground] Mother of God!

Leonardo. What have you done? Donina! Donina!

Nunu. It wasn't my fault.

Imperia enters.

Leonardo. Imperia, Donina is dying.

Imperia. Donina! My Donina!

Donina. Leave me! Let me die. You have deceived me. Everybody has deceived me.

Imperia. What is the matter? This letter?… What is in this letter?

Donina. Leave me! Leave me!

Imperia. Ah! You have killed her.

Nunu. It wasn't my fault; she wanted to read it. I've stood it long enough. Let me go!

Imperia. Go? You forget that I have you in my parole, you coward! I thought that if I paid your price, I could make of you what I pleased, whether it was good or evil, but it was not the life you led that made you evil, it was your wicked heart, you low-born brother of Prince Florencio, incapable of pity or of love!

Donina. No, let him go. Why did you make him deceive me? Why did you deceive me, Nunu? You can go now; I forgive you. Don't wait here for me to die. They'll give you what they promised you. Give him his pay—he has pretended long enough. I know the truth now. I am dying… It is the only truth that he ever told me.

Imperia. You wrote that letter on purpose for her to see it. You knew that it would kill her.

Nunu. No. She did it herself.

Imperia. Leave this house at once! Don't you wait until Donina is no longer here to beg me to let you go! Go, go!

Nunu. Like this?