Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/160

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Leonardo. Don't you worry. You'll get your pay.

Leonardo and Nunu go out.

Donina. Why did you deceive me? When all my life is a lie, how can I live?

Imperia. Donina!

Donina. I am a hindrance to you; I know it. They want you there in that empire, that cursed empire with its Prince, its ice, and its snow. The white ship is there with its white sails, its men that are so pale… It has come to take you away to that empire, of which you have been dreaming so long.

Imperia. No, Donina, no! I shall be here always with you. The white ship will sail away like a white bird, but I shall still be here with you, always with you! Love is the only reality of our lives—I shall be here with you, always, always with you!

Donina. Yes, waiting for me to die—as he was.

Imperia. No, Donina, your life is my life!

Donina. Before the white ship sails away like a white bird, I, too, shall sail away forever. I shall not know it, but I shall be gone, like a shadow, like a cloud from the sea. I shall have passed out of your life.

Imperia. No, my Donina! Child of my heart, of my one, my only love! Like shadows all, all shall pass but love—that ripens and lives on.

Leonardo and Prince Michael enter.

Leonardo. Imperia… the Prince…

Imperia. Ah! Why do you come?

Prince Michael. You have sent no answer. I have waited all day.

Donina. He has come for you.

Imperia. I shall not go.