Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/161

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Donina. I know the truth. I tell you, you will kill me, with your lies—waiting here, always pretending, for me to die.

Imperia. What do you mean?

Donina. Promise me that you will not wait; you will go to-day. Or I shall kill myself, I will not ruin your life! Promise…

Imperia. Yes, I will go to-day. Leave me a little while. Leonardo, help Donina.

Leonardo. Donina!

Donina. No, it was nothing. I am better now... But I know that it is death.

Leonardo and Donina go out.

Prince Michael. Will you come?

Imperia. Yes.

Prince Michael. I should not have returned without you.

Imperia. Would you have renounced the throne?

Prince Michael. Why not? When it is difficult to live one's own life in peace, what must it be to rule an empire? Millions of human beings struggling to be happy, and depending for their happiness upon our precious laws!

Imperia. You have no right to talk like that. Would you renounce your divine heritage? The millions of your empire will never attain happiness through you. We are unable to assure the happiness even of those who are nearest to our hearts. Suffering and death are eternal; it is the will to overcome them that makes us immortal, yes, equal to God! You know nothing of life. Good and evil have no significance for you. They have for me. I have struggled, as many have struggled before, against poverty, against envy and shame, injustice and outrage, I have suffered and borne all, and I say to you now upon the steps of your throne: