Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/162

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Do justly, love mercy, and your empire will be glorious among men.

Leonardo enters.

Leonardo. Donina is asleep. Thanks to an anodyne, she has fallen asleep. If you must go, it is better now. The parting would be too sad. I shall remain with her.

Imperia. Go? Leave her? No, no! I cannot.

Prince Michael. Bring her with you.

Imperia. It would kill her. No! No…

Leonardo. Death cannot delay in any case.

Imperia. But she is still alive! My place is with her. Can't you wait? Oh, this is horrible! Wait!

Leonardo. Leave her, your Highness. She will come, I promise you.

Prince Michael. Imperia, if you do not come before night, my yacht will sail, but without me. Instead, it will bear my abdication. In the morning I shall be here with you to resume our old life, and the Empire of Suavia will be lost to you—like a dream.

The Prince goes out.

Imperia. Leonardo, what shall I do? I am your idea, your Imperia. Breathe your spirit into me! What ought I to do?

Leonardo. You have fashioned your life by your will, and you know where it lies.

Imperia. My life is your ideal—my vision! I will go. But Donina— Do you say that she is asleep? I must see her.

Leonardo. Your courage will fail.

Imperia. I must see her! I must see her!

Leonardo. You will not go if you do. Imperia! You will not go! You will not go!

Imperia enters the house. Leonardo remains at the door and listens. Presently, Imperia reappears.