Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/167

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Plainly furnished dining-room of Doña Carmen's apartment.

As the curtain rises, Ramona enters with a cup, and Julio appears directly afterward.

Julio. What are you doing? Is it my sister?

Ramona. Yes, Señorita Luisa has an attack. She was taken after dinner. Maybe something hot'll do her good.

Julio. Is mother with her?

Ramona. Yes, Señorito Julio.

Julio. If she asks, say I am out. I have an engagement and can't wait. It's nothing, I suppose, as usual?

Ramona. Of course not. But there are times when you just have to yell, though it might be hard to say why you do it.

Julio. Nerves, too, eh?

Ramona. Have I?—only I work mine off singing. Whenever you hear me sing, you can be sure there's something wrong with Ramona.

Julio. There must be something wrong with you all the time.

Carmen. [Inside] Ramona! Ramona!

Ramona. Ah, the mistress! Coming, señora…

Julio. Don't tell her I was home. [Goes out.

Ramona. Trust me.

Doña Carmen enters.