Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/168

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Carmen. What are you doing? Does it take all this time to get a little hot water?

Ramona. Why, I…

Carmen. Who was that you were talking to?

Ramona. Me?

Carmen. Señorito Julio, wasn't it? He has gone out without seeing his sister. The house might fall for all he cares, and the rest of us be buried under it. How can a young man be so selfish? He never was like this before, that is certain. It is that girl, this precious love-affair, and it will be the death of me. He had his overcoat on, I dare say, and his top hat? Nothing I could do could ever induce him to dress. Give me the hot water, and clear the table; finish as soon as you can. Did you leave word for Don Hilario?

Ramona. Yes, but he wasn't home. They'll give him the message as soon as he comes in, and he'll be down right away.

The bell rings.

Probably he's here now.

Doña Carmen and Ramona go out, the latter at the rear. After a moment Ramona re-enters with Pepe.

Ramona. Señorito Pepe… behave yourself!

Pepe. Not so loud…

Ramona. Where did you learn manners? In a boarding=house from the servants?

Pepe. Why? Are servants in boarding-houses different from other servants? How do you know?

Ramona. I worked in one.

Pepe. Oh! That's different.

Ramona. And one was enough.

Pepe. Good girl! What do you say to dinner with me some Sunday at Las Ventas? Rice is their specialty.

Ramona. Why? You haven't put in your order, have