Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/184

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the ruin of my poor family which I have preserved until now?—and at what sacrifice!

Hilario. The iniquitousness, Doña Carmen, lies precisely in this: that you should be right. The realities of life are all on your side. With the marketing book in your hand, you are more potent than two hearts who are embarking upon life's adventure, the pursuit of happiness, prepared to give their all, owning allegiance only to youth and to love. How can you expect them to listen to you? "Be careful," you say, "bread is so much, potatoes so much; beans are at this figure. They are all going up, everything is in the clouds." But love, too, is in the clouds, as they think because it is divine. How can we make them understand that it is also because it is dear, and that there is a more intimate relationship between love and vegetables, between the heart and the marketing book, than there is between the illusions of youth and the realities of life?

Adelaida. [Outside] Yes, he is coming directly. Are the ladies in here?

Ramona. [Outside] This way, Señorita Adelaida.

Carmen. Adelaida.

Adelaida enters.

Adelaida. How do you do? How are you, Don Hilario?

Hilario. How do you do?

Luisa. You are all dressed up.

Adelaida. I have spent the afternoon making calls. Cristóbal had nothing to do, so he was able to come along. We were under obligations to so many friends, whom we have known all our lives—the Benítez, the González Flores, and dear General Borrego's widow. Such friendships simply cannot be sacrificed. How are you feeling to-day? Ramona tells me you are not well. Goodness gracious! What 13 the matter with her, Don Hilario?