Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/185

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Hilario. She seems much brighter.

Adelaida. Don't you think a change would do her good?

Hilario. A change would do every one of us good. I must be going; I still have two or three visits to make.

Adelaida. Do you find much sickness?

Hilario. Much as usual. I have no reason for complaint.

Adelaida. You are not losing many patients?

Hilario. The death-rate is not as active as might be wished.

Adelaida. Heavens! What a dreadful thing to say!

Hilario. Not that I wish any man harm. Few should die, but let them be well selected. That is what I had in mind when I said that it was not as active as might be wished. Good night, Doña Carmen. Good night, Luisita. [To Adelaida] My regards to your brother and to your intended.

Adelaida. Thanks. I shall remember you to them both.

Hilario. He is still your intended?

Adelaida. Oh, yes indeed! Our engagement, as you may suppose, is quite serious. We are not children.

Hilario. Don't come to the door. Doña Carmen. I insist…

Carmen. [At the rear] Ramona, open the door for Don Hilario. Good evening, Don Hilario.

Don Hilario goes out.

Adelaida. Don Hilario is a nice man.

Carmen. He is so honest.

Adelaida. As a physician, I should say he was entirely out of date.

Carmen. We are not in a position to judge. At least Don Hilario does not deceive us; he recommends no unnecessary expense.

Adelaida. Yes, that is more than can be said of all doctors. We always suffered from a perfect plague of diseases