Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/186

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at our house. Poor papa went through three operations in eight years, which he never recovered from; the misfortunes of our family date from that time. As for Aunt Virginia, everybody knows she was insane for five years after her husband returned from the Philippines, when she thought he was dead. Naturally, it was a good deal of a shock. My brother and I, fortunately, do not know what it means to have a doctor in the house, nor to take medicine either, except a little Carabaña water now and then before retiring at night. So no wonder I am apprehensive. Generally, the person you think is the strongest and healthiest is taken, and he is lucky if he ever gets up. González Flores's wife was telling me yesterday about one of their friends. They subscribed to a box at the Opera together. When their turn came, there she sat with them in the box, but by the time their turn came round again they had a corpse on their hands, so now they are trying to change the box. The number is thirteen and they are becoming superstitious.

Carmen. We must avoid these sad subjects on Luisita's account.

Adelaida. Oh, yes! I beg your pardon. All the same, they are fascinating.

Carmen. How is it that you are alone to-night?

Adelaida. My brother and Galán are right on my heels; I left them at home working. My brother was dictating some papers to Galán, so I decided not to wait. Ah, I have good news for you! Galán receives his promotion next month; he has the Minister's promise.

Carmen. Congratulations.

Luisa. I suppose, then, you will marry at once?

Adelaida. No, we plan to do nothing rash. Until his salary has been increased to sixteen thousand pesetas, it is out of the question. I have wailed seven years already, so we shall not mind an additional three or four.