Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/189

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Carmen. Yes, you! We noticed it.

Paquita. Why didn't you stay home if you wanted to sleep?

Carmen. Home is the one place where the poor man cannot sleep. Don't disturb him.—Make yourself comfortable. Lie down in the other room if you want to.

Paquita. Don't bother about him, he is used to it. He is perfectly well; he can get along without sleep. I am different. As it is, I am so thin you would hardly know me. My face isn't bad, but I wish you could see my legs.

Manolo. They can judge by mine.

Paquita. There is no comparison. He only wants to attract attention.

Manolo. Don't you believe it. If you encourage her, she will be at death's door. I not only lose my sleep, but I get up early in the morning and go to the office and work there all day, and then, when I come home, all this is extra. I get no relief.

Paquita. At least you have the variety. Here I am, shut up all day inside of four walls, with five wild animals and a servant girl, when we happen to have one. None of them sticks it out more than four days.

Manolo. Now you have a description of a terrestrial paradise.

Cristóbal and Paco Galán enter.

Cristóbal. Good evening. Good evening, everybody.

Galán. Sit down; oblige me. Don't disturb yourselves.

Manolo. But I must. I cannot usurp your position.

Adelaida. Gracious, Manolo! We are not sentimental. Did you finish your work?

Cristóbal. Yes, Galán kindly offered to take my dictation, so we were able to conclude earlier.