Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/190

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Galán. Your brother tells me that you made a number of calls during the afternoon. With what success?

Adelaida. Ah, I was expecting that question! We stopped first at the González Flores's——

Galán. Saúco 32, second floor. Correct? I know the house. A friend, who is a magistrate, a most worthy person, lives in the apartment on the left on the first floor. There are plants in the entrance, the doorman wears livery, and the stairs are carpeted. An excellent establishment! The apartments rent at three thousand pesetas, running up to three thousand five hundred, except for the Fombonas's, those American ladies, who occupy the two lower apartments, which have been thrown into one, and pay four thousand—I am wrong, four thousand five hundred.

Adelaida. I never saw a man with such a head for business.

Galán. How did you enjoy yourselves at the González Flores's?

Adelaida. I was waiting for that question.

Paquita. [To Luisa] Lovers' confidences are always amusing, but none ever equalled Adelaida's and Galán's. She admits herself they are unique. Do you hear what they say?

Luisa. But, my dear, after having been engaged seven years, the wonder is that there is anything left to be said.

Paquita. By the time they are married I think myself the edge will be off. Suppose I had thought it over so carefully?… There sits my husband fast asleep.

Luisa. I am sorry for the poor man; the boys give him no rest.

Carmen. [To Cristóbal] These are busy days for you, too; we are drawing near the end of the month.

Cristóbal. Extremely busy indeed. Remember, I am