Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/191

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agent for seven estates in Madrid, having charge not only of real estate but of the personal property, tangible as well as intangible; and all seven belong to widows, or to single ladies in the eye of the law—for all practical purposes, that is, they may be regarded as single—which increases a man's responsibility; not that I wish to complain, but you know women are exacting. I have more than I can attend to, and it has affected my health. But there is no help for it until my sister has been provided for, which I trust will be within three or four years. Adelaida has had the discretion to wait; she had the good sense to deliberate. Fortunately, she has encountered an honorable man. I am greatly pleased with the progress of the engagement. We have had time, as it were, to become acquainted; not, of course, as thoroughly as we shall be, because one never becomes thoroughly acquainted; nevertheless, it is a guaranty. Adelaida is older than I am, although she pretends the contrary, so there is little danger of their loading themselves up with children enthusiastically, which is the bane of most marriages.

Carmen. No, I should scarcely apprehend a mistake in that direction.

Cristóbal. What is this talk about your son? This idea of Julio's—pardon my introducing the subject if it is disagreeable—is sheer folly. It is a man's duty to be reasonable. Otherwise, how does he differ from the dumb animals? Marriage means nothing to the rich, and it means very little to the poor; in fact, they are frequently better off married. The woman adds the man's wages to her own, and the children take care of themselves. They require no clothes nor education; the poor get along without them. Marriage is a serious problem to persons in our walk in life. This is not a romantic age.

Adelaida. [To Galán] I have told you absolutely every-