Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/192

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thing I did this afternoon. How have you spent the day? Thinking of me?

Galán. Adelaida, don't ask such a question, even in jest. First, let me give you a detailed description of my day.

Adelaida. No, reserve that until later. Make a little general conversation, or they will accuse us of forgetting our manners. Say something.

Galán. Did you notice what remarkable weather we are having to-day? Nobody pays any attention… Did you notice the weather?

Paquita. Yes, it was hot, and then it seemed to cool off.

Cristóbal. This Madrid climate!

Galán. It accounts for all the sickness.

Adelaida. And all the deaths. Galán, before I forget it—did you bring the paper?

Galán. I always do.

Adelaida. Run over the deaths, if you don't mind. I can scarcely wait…

Galán. No, nothing fresh to-day. Only anniversary notices.

Ramona enters.

Ramona. Señorita Paca! Señorita Paca!

Paquita. What is the matter? I thought so. I am needed…

Ramona. Your girl is here, and she says the baby's awake, and he's crying. Nothing she can do will keep the poor boy quiet.

Paquita. He wants his mother.—Manolo! Manolo!

Manolo. [Asleep] Do something, can't you? Walk up and down with him, dear.

Paquita. He thinks he is home.—Manolo!

Manolo. Eh… Ah!… You frightened me to death.

Paquita. It serves you right for sleeping when you're