Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/193

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out. The maid is here and she says the baby's awake. What shall we do? Will you go or I?

Manolo. I will, I will; don't you bother.

Paquita. Can you find the soothing syrup? It's on top of the dresser. Don't make a mistake and give him anything else. It wouldn't be the first time.

Manolo. My dear, to hear you talk people would think——

Paquita. Not that you nearly paralyzed the little angel last time with gum arabic. Hurry, if you insist upon going!

Manolo. I fly. Ladies, excuse me. [Goes out.

Paquita. [At the door] Be sure the maid has put out the fire in the brazier, and look in the canaries' room and see whether she has closed the blinds. If she hasn't, they will begin singing as soon as it is daylight, and drive us all crazy.

Cristóbal. Paquita, goodness gracious! After sitting up all night with five children, how have you any stomach left for canaries?

Paquita. It does seem foolish, I suppose. Just a fancy—the only relic of my girlhood I have left.

Cristóbal. Galán, do me a favor; look at the condition of the market. How is the new loan?

Galán. Ah! 103.

Cristóbal. Going strong!

Galán. No, pardon, I skipped a line. 84.

Cristóbal. Not so bad, if she can hold that figure.

Paquita. What an enticing conversation!

Cristóbal. I am not interested, unfortunately, in the recent issue.

Adelaida. Neither am I, unfortunately.

Paquita. Nonsense, both of you have more than you know what to do with. Why not? You have no one to consider—a brother and sister living alone.