Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/194

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Adelaida. Goodness gracious! Remember what it costs to live in Madrid. The first word you speak here is dear.

Paquita. You might look in for a moment at our house, if you think so.

Cristóbal. Thanks for the invitation, Paquita.

Paquita. Although, of course, married people have compensations which you bachelors do not enjoy.

Cristóbal. Evidently.

Adelaida. Now you must tell me every single thing that you did to-day.

Galán. I got up, to begin with, very early; it might have been seven. I saw it was cloudy; then I was afraid it was going to rain…

Voices outside, at the rear.

Carmen. Who is talking in the hall? I hear Julio.

Ramona enters.

Ramona. Señora! Señora!

Carmen. What is it?

Luisa. Don't be so excitable.

Paquita. Word from my husband!

Carmen. No… [To Ramona] Ask them into the parlor. Light the lights. Hurry!

Ramona. They said they would rather come where you were; they are friends. They are taking off their things. [Ramona goes out.

Luisa. Who is it?

Carmen. Prepare for a surprise, a tremendous surprise: Doña Teresa and Emilia calling with my son.

Paquita. God-a-mercy! I am a perfect sight! I'll slip out this way, and slide down the hall. Don't let them know. Enjoy yourselves; I am needed at home, anyhow. Here they come… Ah! I am going to peep through the door as I go, and see what they have on. [Goes out, at the rear, left.