Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/195

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Luisa. This is an unusual hour for a call.

Adelaida. My dear, it is in the family.

Julio. [Outside] Mother! Mother!

Carmen. Julio!

Doña Teresa, Emilia, and Julio enter.

Julio. See whom I am bringing with me.

Teresa. Good evening, Carmen. Good evening, Luisita.

Carmen. Gracious, this is a surprise!

Emilia. How are you, Luisita?

Luisa. Emilia…

Carmen. Why didn't you go into the parlor?

Teresa. No, we only dropped in informally; we prefer it where you are. But we interrupt…

Carmen. Not at all.

Teresa. How are you, Adelaida? It is a long time since I have seen you.

Adelaida. You have moved so far away. I was explaining to Emilia…

Teresa. Your brother and Galán are both looking well.

Cristóbal. Señora!

Carmen. Do sit down.

Teresa. Julio called at our house, as he does every evening—I trust that I am not betraying any secret?

Carmen. No, indeed.

Teresa. Not that I wish to be understood as encouraging visits from a young man, even in the light of suitor, but a mother, as you realize, is not always in a position to oppose a daughter's wishes, especially when her mind has been made up, although it may not be for her own good. Anything is preferable to these exhibitions upon the streets, or in public places, or to hanging over balconies.

Carmen. I quite agree with you.

Teresa. Julio tells me that Luisita has had another attack.