Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/196

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Carmen. Oh, he did tell you? I had supposed that he hadn't noticed it.

They continue the conversation.

Emilia. [To Luisa] I have quarrelled with your brother.

Luisa. Not in earnest?

Julio. Yes, she is angry with me. She is taking your part.

Luisa. Mine?

Emilia. He told me that you were ill, and that he hadn't even gone in to ask how you were, because he was so anxious to see me. He seemed proud of it—imagine! He expected me to be pleased. I told him that he was a bad brother, and that I was coming to see you this very evening. Now I am going to make Julio ask you to forgive him right here before me.

Julio. She says I don't love you.

Luisa. Of course I forgive you. Thanks very much.

Emilia. You don't know how fond I am of you. Ask Julio. I am always talking about you.

Julio. She is, really.

Luisa. I know, Emilia. I am very fond of you, too.

They go on talking.

Adelaida. [To Galán] She is beautiful; anybody ought to be able to see it. Although if you don't think so, I take it I am to be congratulated.

Galán. Regularity of features means nothing to me; the expression is everything. An expressive face never seems to be ugly. Absolutely not…!

They continue talking.

Teresa. We are invited to the theatre this evening, but my daughter insisted upon stopping here first to inquire about Luisita. As you see, we do not stand upon etiquette. We drop in informally, although you do not take the same liberty with us.