Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/197

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Carmen. We almost never go out, as my daughter's health is so delicate. Julio will explain——

Teresa. It is quite unnecessary. Of course, I appreciate that you are not pleased, but it is not any too pleasant for me, either. You do not have to convince me that our children have been foolish; in fact, it is downright madness. But what can their mothers do? However you may have discouraged your son, you may be sure it is nothing to what I have done to my daughter; I never miss an opportunity. It is no reflection upon us, nor any disparagement to our children, and I should not care to be understood as insinuating that either of them might have done better elsewhere. It is simply that, in my opinion, this affair is impossible.

They continue the conversation.

Julio. [To Emilia] I am listening to our mothers blossoming out into mothers-in-law. We are tempting fate.

Emilia. Mamma is offended because your mother hasn't called since we moved. You saw how hard it was to make her come. I had to exaggerate dreadfully about poor Luisita.

Julio. Perhaps we had better intervene. It begins to look serious.

Emilia. Yes, start a general conversation.

Julio. Mother…

Carmen. What is it, dear?

Julio. Where are Manolo and Paquita this evening?

Carmen. They were here, but they left. Word came the boys were crying.

Julio. Great news!

Teresa. Yes, five children at their age! Isn't it a calamity? How can they expect any peace?

Carmen. You can't put that too strongly.

Teresa. Some people might profit by their example.