Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/198

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Julio. Pebbles on our roof. Well, what progress, friend Galán? When is the happy day?

Galán. Soon, very soon. The Minister has pledged his word.

Julio. No, I mean when do you pledge your word? I was referring to the matrimonial prospect.

Galán. Oh! You had me. Whenever an opening comes.

Adelaida. There is no great hurry, as we have waited seven years.

Julio. I admire your constancy.

Teresa. They have had time to think.

Cristóbal. And it deserves thought. I have thought myself.

Julio. You are fortunate to be able to think. All we do is feel. Don't we, Emilia?

Emilia. [Aside] Be careful! We are in the enemy's country. The best thing will be to remove mamma. Otherwise this will inspire her, and we shall have a continuous session to-morrow, beginning when she gets up.

Julio. Quite right. Don't you really want me to come to the theatre?

Emilia. No, not to-night. Stay home with your sister, as a punishment. Besides, if you come now, your mother will get the idea that I only brought you so as to let them see how you follow me everywhere, and I don't want to think that. Stay home this evening. Anyway, come up to the box.

Julio. No, I am not popular with your aunt and cousins; they have their own candidate.

Emilia. No, they have heard only nice things about you; it would be awfully foolish to come. I am only going to please mamma. If I didn't, she would make a scene. "Your