Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/199

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cousins will be offended. You will get yourself disliked by everybody."

Julio. Yes, I know. I think you had better go.

Emilia. You won't mind, will you?

Julio. No, I have confidence in you.

Emilia. You are perfectly wonderful.

Teresa. What time is it?

Emilia. Time to go, mamma—if you are ready.

Teresa. Good night, Carmen. Good night, Luisita.

Carmen. One of these days we hope to return your call. You must not hold it against us if we are a little remiss.

Teresa. Adelaida, I shall accept no excuses from you, either.

Adelaida. Don't mention it, please! Whenever I look at you, it makes me blush.

Teresa. Good evening, everybody.

Adelaida. It is time for us to retire. Are you ready, Cristóbal? Are you, Galán? You know you have to be up early, and you are not a man who can get along without sleep.

Galán. I accommodate myself to your convenience.

Carmen. Ramona! [At the rear] Light the lights in the hall.—Good night, good night, everybody.

Emilia. Until to-morrow, then, at the usual hour?

Julio. Not before?

Emilia. I was just going to ask.

Julio. I shall sit down and write the very instant you leave the house. Our four pages!

Emilia. I shall write as soon as we get back from the theatre.

Julio. I might wait, then, so we can be writing at the same time. We shall be thinking of each other at the same time!