Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/201

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Julio. You are not prejudiced.

Carmen. So she has been too much for you, too?

Luisa. She is so affectionate.

Carmen. Probably to everybody but me. Of course I am not fair to her.

Julio. There you are again! You are the one who treats her unfairly. She has spoken to me about it, and that is the reason she is afraid to be demonstrative. You would accuse her of trying to flatter you if she was. What is the poor girl to do?

Carmen. I realize how fond she is of me.

Julio. Nothing of the sort. The sooner we drop this subject the better. It is becoming offensive. Are you feeling better, Luisita?

Luisa. Much; I am more cheerful.

Carmen. Thanks to your efforts.

Julio. I know that I ought not to have gone out without asking what I could do. I have heard that already.

Carmen. Can't I make an innocent remark? Do you have to be insulted by every word your mother says? Can't I express myself if I don't approve? You were not always like this. No wonder I think somebody has been twisting you around her little finger!

Julio. You are the one who is different. You can't speak without hurting me, without wounding me in what is dearest and best.

Carmen. That is the last insult! What ingratitude! In my child! Oh, what ingratitude!

Julio. There you are.

Luisa. Oh, come, mamma! Julio!

Julio. Tell me, did I invite this? Have I committed any sin? Are you afraid that you won't be able to get along without me? It will be just the same. I will work harder than