Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/202

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I ever did, and you will have everything you need. I have been offered another position already, at hours which do not conflict with the one I have now.

Carmen. Yes, kill yourself working! Do you expect me to sit here calmly and look on? I don't care myself, I ask nothing. I would be satisfied if I thought you would be happy, but it cannot be, it cannot be! A mother never knows what is best for her own children. I was so proud that my son was good, that he had never occasioned me one moment's concern, but now I don't know—I could wish that you hadn't been so well behaved, that you had had more experience of life.

Julio. Yes, instead of an honorable love, you would prefer a liaison, some discreditable adventure. Is that what you mean? I will not listen to you; don't demean yourself in my eyes. Let me preserve my illusions at least. Why shouldn't I be happy? Were you and my father millionaires when you married? Did you consider anything but your love, which is what I am doing now?

Carmen. There is no comparison. Times have changed; we could live upon less. I was not brought up to luxury like Emilia. She is going to the theatre to-night to sit in a box with her cousins, as well dressed as they are. Who would imagine to look at them that their position was not the same?

Julio. You are mistaken. Emilia is a sensible girl; she understands that we cannot afford display. We shall be happy, and you will be very fond of her. Now don't torment me any more; let us not distress ourselves. Never doubt my love, nor compel me to doubt that I love you, when I know that there is not a dearer mother in all the world.

Carmen. No, my boy; we must not distress ourselves. Luisa, why don't you go to bed? I am going to bed myself.