Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/203

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Luisa. Very well, mamma.

Carmen. I'll bring you a cup of broth; you must swallow something. You haven't eaten all day.

Luisa. Good night, Julio.

Julio. Good night. I know that you love me.

Luisa. Because I say nothing, because I don't shout. I have said nothing all my life! [Goes out.

Carmen. You might take something yourself.

Julio. No, I'm not hungry. I may drink a little orange-juice. Don't you bother; I'll find it.

Carmen. [Calling] Ramona! Ramona!

Ramona. [Entering] Señora?

Carmen. Let me have the account.

Ramona. Here it is, señora. The twenty centimos are from yesterday; I forgot to put them down. There was the postman, and a roll sent in last night.

Carmen. Good. Then I owe you eighty centimos. I'll give them to you now. It would be a miracle if you weren't short.

Ramona. What shall I get for to-morrow, señora?

Carmen. We can plan it while you are helping me undress. What would you like to-morrow, Julio?

Julio. Don't ask me. Whatever there is.

Ramona. One is as bad as the other. They never eat.

Carmen. I am going to bed. When the señorito goes, be sure the brazier is out. Bring me the broth for the señorita. Did you lock the door?

Ramona. Yes, señora.

Carmen. Have you put the cat in the kitchen? I don't want him jumping on me like he did the other night.

Ramona. No, señora.

Carmen. Good night, Julio. Don't forget the light. I hope you sleep.