Page:Plomer Dictionary of the Booksellers and Printers 1907.djvu/162

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rights to the Company of Stationers for a cash payment of £200, but subsequently refused to carry it out, alleging that by a decree made in the Court of Chancery the patent was vested in Richard Atkyns. [P.R.O. Chancery Proceedings. Before 1715. Reynardson, Bund. 31, 126.]

MORGAN (JOHN), bookseller in London; Old Bayly, 1642. Only known from the imprint to John Taylor's Heads of all fashions … London, Printed for John Morgan, to be sold in the Old-baily, 1642. [Hazlitt, H. 601.]

MORGAN (JOHN), printer (?) in London, 1660. Hazlitt, ii. (107), records The Royal Pilgrimage … By an Eye-witness. London, Printed by John Morgan, 1660.

MORGAN (THOMAS), bookseller (?) in London, 1660. Only known from the imprint to a pamphlet entitled Short Representation performed before the Lord General Monk, 1660.

MORGAN (W), bookseller (?) in London; Near the Blue Boar Ludgate Street, 1661. In Mr. G. J. Gray's Index to Hazlitt there is a reference under this name, but it appears to be a misprint.

MORISON (JOHN), bookseller in Glasgow, 1659-62. One of the debtors in Lithgow's inventory, 1662. [H. G. Aldis, List of Books, p. 117.]

MORTLOCK (HENRY), bookseller in London, (1) Phœnix in St. Paul's Churchyard; (2) White Hart in Westminster Hall 1660-1702. Chiefly a publisher of theological literature.

MOSELEY (ANNE), bookseller in London; Prince's Arms, Paul's Churchyard, 1661-4. Widow of Humphrey Moseley.

MOSELEY (HUMPHREY) bookseller in London; Princes Arms St. Paul's Churchyard, 1630-61. Conjectured to be a son of Samuel Moseley, a Staffordshire man, who was a stationer in London. [Arber, ii 249; iii 683.] Took up his freedom May 7th, 1627. [ibid., iii. 686.] His first book entry May 29th, 1630. He became the chief publisher of the finer literature of his age. He published the first collected edition of Milton's Poems, as well as the works of Cartwright, Crashaw, D'Avenant, Denham,