Page:Plomer Dictionary of the Booksellers and Printers 1907.djvu/163

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Donne, Fanshaw, Howell, Vaughan, and Waller. He died January 31st, 1660-61, and was buried in St. Gregory's. By his will he appointed his wife Anne and his only daughter Anne his executors, and bequeathed £10 for a bowl to the Stationers' Company. [D.N.B.] An interesting list of books sold by him in 1640, with dates of publication and prices attached, is amongst the State Papers, Charles I, vol. 478, no. 16. This consists of 76 items, the greater part being plays, and the average price was sixpence apiece. Printed lists of his publications were issued with many of his books, of which the following have been noted: Sir Aston Cokain's Dianea, 1654 (B.M. 12470, bb. 8), containing a list of 180 works, and Richard Brome's Five New Playes, 1653 (B.M. E. 1423), which has an added sheet containing 135 items.

MOTTERSHEAD (EDWARD), printer; St. Bennet, Paul's Wharf [near Doctors Commons], 1641-65. Took up his freedom January 20th, 1640. [Arber, iii. 688.] In the Churchwardens' Books of St. Bennet, Paul's Wharf, he is described as cousin germane to Thomas Mottershead of that parish. In partnership with T. Ratcliffe, q.v. In 1664 he was arrested at the instance of the Company of Stationers for illegally printing law books. [Chan. Proc. Before 1714, Reynardson, bundle 31, Stationers' Co. v. Flesher.]

MOULE (GREGORY), bookseller in London; Three Bibles in the Poultry, under St. Mildreds Church, 1649-51. In partnership with T. Brewster in the publication of theological, political, and miscellaneous literature. Moule's name is lost sight of at the end of 1651.

MOULTON (CHARLES), bookseller (?) in London, 1663. Only known from the imprint to: Carleton (Mary), Historicall Narrative, 1663. [Hazlitt, iii. 30.]

MOULTON (W.), bookseller (?) in London, 1642. Only known from the imprint to a pamphlet entitled: His Maiesties Letter, To the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the Citie of London … London: Printed for Tho. Hewer and W. Moulton, 1642. His address has not been found.

MOXON (JAMES), printer in London; (?) Upper end of Hounsditch neere Bishop's Gate, 1647-50. Was evidently a relative, presumably a brother, of Joseph Moxon the typefounder. Their joint names occur in the