Page:Pocock's Everlasting Songster.djvu/73

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When the fweet country maiden as fVefti as a rofe,,

As (lie carclcfsly trips often Hides, And the ruftics laugh loud, if by railing ihe (hews

All the charms that her modefty hides.

When the lads and the lafles for company join'd, In a croud round the embers are met,

Talk of fairies and witches that ride in the wind, And of ghofts till they're all in a fweat.

Heav'n grant in this feafon it may be my lot.

With th* nymph whom I love and admire. While the icicles hang from the eaves of my cot,

I may thither in fafety retire.

Where in neatnefs and quiet, and free from, furprife, We may live and no hardfhips endure ;

Nor feel any turbulent palfions arife, But fuch as each other can cure.


I Made love to Kate, long I figh'd for me, 'Till I heard of late, fhe'd a mind for me : I met her on the green, in her bed array, So pretty flie did teem, me dole my heart away ; Ohtlien we kifs'd and prefsM, were we much to blame Had you been in my place, you'd have done the fame.

As I fonder grew, fhe began to prate, Quoth Ihe, I'll marry y;ou, if you will mirry Kate; But then I laugh'd, and (wore I lov'd her more than fo, For ty'd each to a ropeS end, Y . r o and fro }

.ifs'd and prefs'd, were \ve much to bhme? Had you been in my pUcc, you'd luivc done ih


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