Page:Pocock's Everlasting Songster.djvu/74

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Then fhe laugh'd, and faid, flie was wond'rous fick,

Did<y Katy led, Katy fhe led Dick ;

Long we tov'd and play'd, under yonder oak,

Kat\loft the game, tbo 1 fbe play'd the joke ;

For there we did, alas ! what I dare not name,

Had you been in my place, you'd have done the fame.


A Cobier there wa% and he liv'd in a ftall, J\ Which feiv'd him for parlour, for kitchen and hall; Jvo coin in his pocket, no ca-e in his pate, Ko ambition had he, nor duns at his gate,

Deny down, down, down, Gerry down.

Contented he work'd, and he thought hlmfelf happy If at night he cou'c purchafe a cup of brown ]>;%} , ,-y ; He'd laugh then and whiftle, and fiiig too moft Ivveet. Saying juft to a hair I've made both ends mtet. Derry down, &c.

But love the difturber of high and of low, That (hoots at the pe^fant as well as the bean, He fliot the poor cobier quite thro' the heart, I wifh it had hit fpme more ignoble part. Derry down, &c.

It was from' a cellar this archer did play, Where a buxom youn^ dam lei continual! v lay ; Her eyes fhone fo bright when ilie rofe every day r That ilie fliot the poor cobier quite over the way. Deny down, &c.


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