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Of even valour's temperate heat,
And toils to ſtubborn patience ſweet;
Of nodding plumes, and burniſh'd arms,
And glory's bright terrific charms.

The potent ſounds like light'ning dart
Reſiſtleſs thro' the glowing heart;
Of power to lift the fixed ſoul
High o'er fortune's proud controul;
Kindling deep, prophetic muſing;
Love of beauteous death infuſing;
Scorn, and unconquerable hate
Of tyrant pride's unhallow'd ſtate.
The boy abaſh'd, and half afraid,
Beheld each chaſte immortal maid:
Pallas ſpread her Egis there;

Mars ſtood by with threat'ning air;
