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And ſtern Diana's icy look
With ſudden chill his boſom ſtruck.

Daughters of Jove receive the child,
The queen of beauty ſaid, and ſmil'd;
(Her roſy breath perfum'd the air
And ſcatter'd ſweet contagion there;
Relenting nature learn'd to languiſh,
And ſicken'd with delightful anguiſh:)
Receive him, artleſs yet and young;
Refine his air and ſmooth his tongue:
Conduct him thro' your fav'rite bowers,
Enrich'd with fair perennial flowers,
To ſolemn ſhades and ſprings that lie
Remote from each unhallow'd eye;
Teach him to ſpell thoſe myſtic names

That kindle bright immortal flames;
