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Dreamed that I stood by your pillow, and heard
From your pale lips love's last half-uttered word;
And by the light of the May-morning skies
Watched your face whiten, and saw your dear eyes
Gazing far into the Wonderful Land;
Felt your fond fingers grow cold in my hand;—
"Darling," you whispered, "My darling!" you said
Faintly, so faintly,—and then you were dead!

O the dark hours when I knelt by your grave,
Calling upon you to love and to save,—
Pleading in vain for a sign or a word
Only to tell me you listened and heard,—
Only to say you remembered and knew
How all my soul was in anguish for you;
Bitter, despairing, the tears that I shed,
Darling, O darling, because you were dead!

O the black days of your absence, my own!
O to be left in the wide world alone!
Long, with our little one clasped to my breast,
Wandcred I, seeking for refuge and rest;
Yet all the world was so careless and cold,