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Vainly I sought for a sheltering fold;—
There was no roof and no home for my head,
Darling, O darling, because you were dead!

Yet, in the midst of the darkness and pain,
Darling, I knew I should find you again!
Knew, as the roses know, under the snow,
How the next summer will set them aglow;
So did I always, the dreary days through,
Keep my heart single and sacred to you
As on the beautiful day we were wed,
Darling, O darling, although you were dead!

O the great joy of awaking, to know
I did but dream all that torturing woe!
O the delight, that my searching can trace
Nothing of coldness or change in your face!
Still is your forehead unfurrowed and fair;
None of the gold is lost out of your hair,
None of the light from your dear eyes has fled—
Darling, O how could I dream you were dead?

Now you are here, you will always remain,
Never, O never to leave me again!