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We see them; lo! here is a father, a brother, lover, a friend,
They are marching, and marching, and marching till their kindred forces blend;
And boldly they strive to press forward, unawed by the battle's dread din,
So ready to struggle and suffer, to struggle and suffer and win.

Steadfast and faithful and fearless, though every advantage they gain
Is a legacy, cruel, of sorrow to the loved ones of the slain.
Hark! to the booming of cannon, to the shrill piercing scream of a shell,
And yonder poor widow is weeping a lad who at Gettysburg fell.

Leaden hail raining around him, at the head of the column he stood,
Determined if needs be to die there as only a patriot could;
And fighting as brave as lion; ay, brave as a lion at bay,
He shouted "The Union forever!" and sank in the midst of the fray.