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Then holy, thrice holy the record. the blood written record of deeds
Which proves, by the fruit of his effort, the work of the martyr succeeds;
And fitting it is that the blossoms should ever be destined to shed
A shower of delicate perfume o'er the hallowed graves of the dead.

Blessed it is to do homage to the men who would willingly give
The promises fair of the future, that we as a nation might live:
And whether they fell in the conflict, or wounded and weary returned,
May theirs be the glorious tribute the true hearted heroes have earned.

Sweet is the voice of the springtime when the soldiers assemble as one
To eulogize those who have fallen in the wake of service well done,
Many are quietly sleeping 'neath the blush of the warm southern sky,
But the lilies are blooming above them and the old flag floats on high.