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the last of the holidays.

One, a tiny blue-eyed maiden,
With a sweet protecting air
Watches thus her sister Gladys—
The dark-eyed baby in her care.
Such a winsome mite is Jennie,
So old-fashioned and so wise,
That one loves to question her
Just to hear her quaint replies.

Happy little lads and lassies!
Take your fill of fun and play,
For holidays will soon be over,
And brief is childhood's happy day.
Who shall say what lessons wait you,
Under a less kindly rule,
When the world's great gates you enter,—
God be with you in life's school.

The Last of the Holidays.
The rain has ceased, the sun shines bright,
And the wind has dropped, I see,
So let's away to Walney Point,
And we'll have a gipsy tea.

There's only one day left, and then
The holidays will be over;
So, Willie, go and ask papa
If he will launch the "Rover."