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the last of the holidays.

Run, Dora, and invite your friends,
And be sure you hurry back;
Emily, please take Mary out,
While Ethel helps me to pack.

Get some brown paper off the shelf
To wrap the kettle—steady;
You nearly lost your balance then;
Well, Willie?—"Rover's ready."

Have we got all? Then bolt the doors;
Be quick, we must not tarry.
How many children go with us?—
As many as we can carry.

There's Cousin Madge, and Mamie C,
Connie M., her sister J.,
Nellie and Emily Lauderdale,
Dolly L. , and Rebecca K.,

Clarice, and little Bertie C,
Who never yet have seen
The Lighthouse, so that makes, with us,
Our number seventeen.

Nellie, take Bertie's hand, or he
May stumble on the pier.
Now, we are off. Oh, this is grand!
Willie, let father steer.