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help mother.

Help Mother.

What have you done to-day, dears?
What have you done to-day?
Before the golden sun goes down
Question yourselves, I pray.
What have I done to help mother?
Then help her while you may.

What is there you can do, dears?
Oh, there are many things:
Stockings, and little rents to darn,
And pinafores wanting strings;
And fretful baby is so good
When sister rocks and sings.

All these, though trifling things, dears,
Help mother upon her way,
Just as the little sunbeams cheer
Us on a gloomy day.
Mothers bear heavy burdens, dears,
Lighten them while you may.

There's many good little maids, dears,
Who go to school every day,
Yet they find time to help mother,
And have time enough for play.
But you—well, never mind, dears,
Just listen to what I say: