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a visit to santa claus.

I am a mother myself, clears,
And ofttimes weary, too,
And grateful indeed of any aid
That little hands can do;
And so, I'd fain have you to help
Your weary mothers, too;

Don't leave it till to-morrow, dears,
Begin at once to-day,
And try with loving helpfulness
To brighten mother's way;
To-morrow it might be too late,
Help mother while you may.

A Visit to Santa Claus.

I was sitting alone in the firelight,
The children were all in bed,
When suddenly before my sight
Sprang a little man in red,
Who doffed his tiny pointed hat-
He was a courteous fay—
And as my heart went pit-a -pat,
Said "Please to come this way."

I followed him unto the door,
And there to my surprise
A lovely chariot, with horses four,
I saw with wond'ring eyes.