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a vision of the night.

The earth quaked, and great chasms yawned
Where solid ground had been,
Then suddenly thick darkness fell—
'Twas felt, as well as seen—
Thick darkness which intensified
The horrors of the scene.

The crash of thunders, and the roar
The winds and waters made,
Appalled the stoutest hearts, and filled
The souls of men with dread;
My children weeping round me clung
Trembling and sore afraid.

The people wept, and wrung their hands
Saying the end is nigh!
And some stood speechless with amaze
Waiting the hour to die—
When lo! two mighty beasts appeared
Outlined against the sky.

A lion, rampant, and a bear—
Together fiercely strove,
And fascinated by the sight
Of the strange scene above,
We stood in mingled awe and fear
Afraid to speak or move.