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a vision of the night.

Anon, the lightning's lurid glare
Lit up the fearsome night,
Shewing faces drawn with mortal fear,
And pallid with affright;
Then the dark heaven's opened and
Revealed a strange sight.

Then did the weeping people cry
"It is the day of doom!"
For one appeared whose radiant form
Did the dark night illume;
And my soul trembled as I saw
The bright form cleave the gloom.

Nearer it came, then I discerned—
Through the misty, silver haze
Shrouding the vision—One who filled
My soul with glad amaze,
For I beheld with holy joy
The blessed Saviour's face.

And then, strange mystery! my soul
Forgot her awful fear!
Forgot her agonising dread
In knowing Christ was near;
And in a tumult of delight
Cried out, "The Lord is here!"