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OCT., 1900

I used to reckon, long ago,
I was a decent sort o' chap,
I looked the hull world in the face,
And durn it! didn't give a rap
Fur emprors, sultans and such truck,
I held ma own head purty high,
But now, b' gosh! I'm in hard luck!
And I guess I ain't so mighty fly!

For now with all this 'lection noise,
And throwin' dirt, and sneerin' down,
I hardly know where I am at,
Such things are said of me in town!
Why, TEDDY,—my own TEDDY!—swears
That as a Democrat, I'm wus
Than any Dago dodger's mule,
And always tryin' to raise a fuss
With Philipinoes,—like a fool.